You have found a paintbrush! What great joy! You simply cannot stay still. However, you are a small butterfly, and cannot fly very high while carrying it. Perhaps you could paint yourself some platforms to help get around?
(The working title was SpeedPaint, so just pretend the title screen says FlutterBrush)
Paint Down: S
Paint Right: D
Paint Left: A
(The corresponding arrow keys will also work)
Jump: Space
Erase most recent paint: Left Shift
Game made in 3 days for the Mini Jame Gam #18 by MiniBotCo (Programming, art, sound effects) https://minibotco.itch.io/, Otter Eve (Composer, sound effects) https://ottereveaudio.itch.io/, and sarah13 (art)
Notebook page: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/blank-white-notepaper-design_16397306.htm#qu... Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik
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very fun
genuinely delightful, very fun little game <33 music, gameplay, sound effects, art, all were enjoyable!
Wow the music was super fun! Also a really ingenious idea :>
Thank you so much!! I was trying out a new music style and I had a lot of fun with it. <3
Very good. I like the idea and the art. And i like the difficulty. Well made!